Archive for December 2015
28 December 2015
Posted by Unknown
Install Android without touching Data (User configurations and applications) or a partition that contains Windows 8.1
The course deals only flashes of flash this: boot erase: cache erase: erase system: flash logs: system
1- Download the zip here: Archives pour installer Android.rar Size: 738.5 MB
2- . Install the necessary drivers
To install the drivers, extract the zip file and then install the two drivers that are in the Android Driver folder (Intel) 'and' Android Driver (USB) ".
The installation pose no complications,
3- Install the flash program (Flash Tool)
In the extracted folder 'Archives for installing Android' Android Flash 'we execute with administrator rights ManufacturingFlashTool_Setup_6.0.43'.
CUSTOM_CONFIG Copy the file in the folder 'Android Flash' 'and stick it in the folder programme'Flash Tool'. (The path is usually C: // Programs (x86) / Intel / Flash Tool Manufacturing).
Help> Flash Tool Manufacturing on the shortcut on the desktop, right-click then click Open file location.
After that we will open the program with administrator rights (right click, run as administrator).
4- Setting ManufacturingFlashTool
When the program starts, we'll Set as the picture below.
VID: PID 8087: 0A65
VID: PID 8087: 09EF
5-Select the flash file
The next step will be to choose the file that contains the data to flash the tablet.
To do this, we go to "File"> "Open", select from the extracted
folder 'Archives for installing Android' Android system files 'file'
flash_userdebug *.
NOTE: Press Power + Volume up and check that the OS by default is ANDROID
With your tablet off, holding the volume + and - buttons and the on / off button. When the tablet is on, hold only the volume buttons until you see this screen:
At this point, we will now be able to connect the tablet to the computer. If everything is successful, the program will start to install the system in your Android tablet.
Step 8. Start the tablet android
When installation is complete, we can now disconnect our tablet PC and press the power button.
Unbrick chuwi vi8 bootloop after installin' xposed installer framework
24 December 2015
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
1. shut down tablet and connect it to pc through USB
2. tablet has to be recognized by adb-tools ; Open CMD with administrative permissions (run as Administrator) then write : "adb devices". this will list your tablet name , ex : BayTrailXXXXX (if tablet is not shown then you need to look for drivers)
3. if tablet is recognized then type : "adb root " (without parentheses^^) then hit enter .
4. then type : "adb shell" hit enter
5. we are now inside tab shell, ; type these 5 commands 1 after 1 and hit enter after each one
mount -o rw,remount /system
cp -a /system/bin/app_process.orig /system/bin/app_process
chown 0:2000 /system/bin/app_process
chmod 0755 /system/bin/app_process
/system/bin/restorecon /system/bin/app_process 2>/dev/null
6. type "exit" to quit shell
7. now reboot your tab and it will boot just fine
8. If I helped you <follow me on google+>
9.elif post a comment of what u didn't understand.
Actually these methods will work on most AndroidX86 devices not only this tablet
First Method:
1. Download/Install Terminal Emulator from play store
2. Download/Install Root Exploreror es file explorer
3. Download/install Xposed Framework
4. With root explorer /es go to /system/bin/ rename app_process to app_process.xposed-bak, then rename rename app_process.orig to app_process
5. Open Terminal Emulator
type "su" without quote then execute
type "echo 0x98 > /data/data/" without quote then execute
type "chmod 664 /data/data/" without quote then execute
Second Method :
enter these commends either from your computer using adb tools or from within your tablet using terminal emulator
echo 0x98 > /data/data/
chmod 664 /data/data/